Nair Hair Removal Spray Price in Bangladesh
Nair Hair removal spray promises a smooth and effective hair removal process. Women don’t talk about it much but let’s admit that we too have hair. Having hair on almost every part of the body is a normal thing. It is also true that having smooth hairless legs feels fantastic. There weren’t many options for hair removal products available in Bangladesh until eCommerce shops have evolved and supplied products from other countries.
A random fact – Nair has manufactured hair removal cream for men too.
About Nair hair removal spray
If you are someone who can not tolerate the pain of waxing, Nair spray is the product you should be looking forward to.
Nair has launched a new hair removal product in the form of a spray. It contains baby oil that soothes irritated skin. It is suitable for every type of skin, including sensitive skin. The baby oil anti-inflammatory formula will not cause any rash or patch on the surface of the skin. It is made for hair of major areas of the body such as legs, arms, underarms considering the body hair structure. It can get rid of coarse and rough hair easily. While it works effectively at eliminating the hair, it leaves no harmful side effects. Using Nair spray will not make your skin irritated but nourish the area with a radiant, smooth feel. Comparing with saving, spray hair removal lasts longer than shaving. Plus there is no fear of razor bumps and cuts.
How to use Nair hair removal spray
Hair removal spray is an easy application process
Shake it well at first. Simply spray it on the clean, hairy areas from a distance of 5 cm. Cover the areas with hair. Do not rub the layer. Wait for 4 to 10 minutes. Do not exceed 12 minutes.
When the spray layer is dry and hard enough, pull it out slowly with the help of a towel or cloth with microfibre. Be careful while spraying. It should not come in contact with the eyes. There you go! Wash it off with lukewarm water. Pat the skin with a dry towel and don’t forget to apply some moisturizing cream.
Normally you would not experience any discomfort. It will not darken the skin.
Also, make sure to go through the instructions carefully to avoid an unwanted skin reaction.
Pros of using Nair Spray
- Easily available in Bangladesh
- Easy application
- Performance is wonderful
- Does not darken the skin
- Travel-friendly bottle and packaging
- Smells really good
- Made for all skin types
- Hassle-free
- Does not cause any skin discomfort
- Smooth finishing touch
- The hair will grow back eventually, which is the same case for every hair removal product.
- Difficult to figure out the quantity left.
UK origin, a 200 ml Nair hair removal spray will cost 500 BDT on shobepai. It is infused with 100% natural extracts. You can choose between rose and lemon essence.
Not everyone can afford to get their waxing done in a beauty salon The majority of the working women might not even have the time to spend hours at the salon for hair removal. Thanks to Nair hair removal spray that will save you not only money but also time.
A hair removing formula that works effectively is good enough. In fact, it might be a better option to get it done by yourself in a less amount of time without spending much.
Nair Hair Removal Spray 200ml in Bangladesh, buy at the best price on
পণ্যের বিবরণ:
- Nair হেয়ার রিমুভাল স্প্রে – 200 মিলি
- কোনো Side Effect & Pain এর ঝামেলা ছাড়াই এখন অবাঞ্চনীয় হেয়ার Remove করা আরো সহজ with Nair Hair Remover Spray.
- আপনাদের New Look এর জন্য আমরা Import করেছি Uk থেকে।
ব্যবহার এর পরববর্তী ফলাফলঃ
- আপনার body কে করবে আরও মসৃণ এবং লোমমুক্ত ।
- অতিরিক্ত লোম হওয়া থাকে আপনার body কে বিরত রাখবে।
- এটা ব্যবহার এর পর আপনার বডির লোম গজানোর root থেকে clean করে দিবে naturally.
- easy to use this product.
- যারা wax strips ব্যবহার এ ব্যথা পাবার ভয় পান তাদের জন্য এইটা খুব ভালো, কোন রকম ব্যথা ছাড়া অবাঞ্ছিত লোম মুক্ত হতে পারবেন এবং সকল মেয়ে ছেলেদের জন্য এটি Safety হিসেবে কাজ করবে ।
ব্যবহার বিধিঃ
- ব্যবহারের পূর্বে ভাল ভাবে ঝেঁকে নিন।
- নির্দিষ্ট স্থানে Spray করুন।
- ৫ মিনিট অপেক্ষা করুন, প্রয়োজনে আরো কয়েক মিনিট অপেক্ষা করুন। তারপর হালকা গরম পানিতে ভেজানো কাপড় দিয়ে Spray করা স্থান মুছে নিন। এরপর আর কোনো ক্লিনজার ইউজ করবেন না।
- হেয়ার রিমুভ করুন কোনো রকম ব্যাথা ছাড়াই.
- জাস্ট স্প্রে করুন ১০ মিনিট পরেই দেখুন ম্যাজিক.
অর্ডার করতে ইনবক্স করুন। অথবা, কল বাটুনে ক্লিক করে কল করুন।
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